Recruitment in Schools - Hiring best teaching and non teaching employees

Education is the cornerstone of societal reform and efficient educators are the backbone of an effective educational structure. At the heart of the global schooling system, comes an educator, its a most valuable resource. Here, recruitment procedures play a vital role in ensuring that the educators hired possess the required knowledge and skillset.

We at Pedagogy Consulting are rigorous in selecting, recruiting, screening and hiring not only the teachers but all stakeholders who play a vital role in the smooth functioning of the school for the schools nationally and internationally.

First and foremost, we at Pedagogy Consulting ensure transparency and fairness in the selection process. The process includes the candidate’s interaction with our experts to gauge interaction, subject knowledge and comfort level to connect with the learners. At the same time, a congenial information is shared with the candidate with regards to the hiring schools.

In liaison with the Various education systems policies for recruitments in schools and to meet the standards of a school, we have considerably more discretion in structuring policies which prove to be in favour of many deserving candidates. To meet the standards of the school, we always aspire to pick the best teachers not only for the school’s growth but for the candidate’s personal growth as well.

Some of the rubrics of the selection criteria in the recruitment in schools include soft skills, effective communication skills, confidence, strategies of implementing integrated and experiential learning, multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach, and proficiency in technology. The most important aspect that we look for in a candidate is her / his expertise to make connections with the learners , openness to feedback and willingness to unlearn, learn and re-learn. We look for effective prospective educators, who are learners at heart while also being reflective practitioners. We look for facilitators who prepare learners to become life-long and self-directed learners.


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