Pedagogy - An educational consultant

Pedagogy Consulting is committed to support learnings all around the world through collaborations with clients. Our team includes experienced educators and instructional leaders. The members have deeper understanding with experiences in learning, training and networking across all levels of education and workforce development.

We support education institutions complementing our hands-on work with the research done by the experts in the past. The research allows us to better understand the education sector’s challenges and enhance the capabilities to reflect, review and rework.

If learning is the single most important thing one does in their lifetime, why do children run away from it? Why do children moan and groan at the thought of giving a ‘test’ and leap up in joy when a ‘substitution’ period is announced? Clearly, there’s a need to bring in pedagogical shifts that not only cater to the evolving needs of the 21st century, but also make learning joyful for the learners across all grade levels.

One such shift was brought on inadvertently with the onset of COVID-19. Education and technology became inseparable and taught us all a lesson- we can do anything that we put our minds to - curate resources out of the sheer power of our imagination and cognition, reinvent educational approaches to ensure continuous learning and expand our skill-set through professional development sessions and training while bringing in revolutionary learning space practices that promote experiential learning.

While we all may dream of a utopian egalitarian society, we do little to move towards that future. We need the pedagogical shifts because evolution is an undeniable fact of nature and human civilization is bound for greatness - greatness that comes with experience, advancement that comes from learning from our failures, development that accompanies trial and error, and progress that is linked with experimentation. To realise this dream of ours, we need to work collectively as a community to ensure that our chidren are empowered to think for themselves, form opinions sans biases, question what they see or hear and stand up for what they truly believe in. The leaders of tomorrow are learning in schools today. Thus, it is by catering to their individual differences and nurturing their potential in ways we might not be accustomed to, that we can make a breakthrough and use new-age education as an instrument of change.

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